Indeed Job Market
Job search can be a frustrating challenge, and research has shown that searching for employment is an area in life when people feel the most vulnerable and depressed. To combat this, we teamed up with the Indeed Experience team to create a positive and encouraring environment. We created The Indeed Job Market, a 3-day moving popup event focused on helping job seekers get the support they need. The goal was to foster a stronger job seeker community while helping participants experience Indeed in a more tangible way. Job seekers could network and enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages while waiting for professional headshots and one-on-one job search consultations.
The brand patterns for Job Market materials were largely influenced by the art deco era with the addition of tactile layering and benday dots to add depth and texture. These patterns were built to be modular and versatile, with different colors and opacities that enable the patterns to be used seamlessly across various applications.
The brand patterns for Job Market materials were largely influenced by the art deco era with the addition of tactile layering and benday dots to add depth and texture. These patterns were built to be modular and versatile, with different colors and opacities that enable the patterns to be used seamlessly across various applications.

Creative Director - Nayna Ahmed
Designers - Monica Tan, Sarah Dilts
Illustrator - Sean Loose